

Dr. Joseph G. Ford is a native of Detroit, Michigan. He received his secondary education while living in Piscataway, New Jersey. After graduating high school, Rev. Ford attended and graduated from Kean University with a double major in Elementary Education and Religion & Philosophy. In 2009, Dr. Ford received his Master of Divinity degree from Princeton Theology Seminary.

While in seminary Dr. Ford was afforded the opportunity to intern at Brentwood Baptist Church in Houston, Texas under the leadership of Dr. Joe Samuel Ratliff. After his seminary graduation, Rev. Ford assumed the position of Minister of Singles, Young Adults, and College Students at Brentwood.

Dr. Ford recently was conferred the Doctor of Ministry Degree by United Theological Seminary in Dayton, Ohio with an emphasis on “Preaching Prophetically in a Postmodern Culture: Communicating with Contemporary Audiences.” His dissertation, “Engaging the Next Generation in the Church in a Post-Modern Culture,” explores how the church can effectively combat the diminishing presence of young adults, ages 18–39, within the church.

Prior to moving to Houston, Dr. Ford was a member of the New Hope Baptist Church in Metuchen, New Jersey, where he served as Youth Minister under Dr. Ronald L. Owens. He has also served as second vice president for the Middlesex Central Baptist Association Congress of Christian Education and has facilitated youth and youth worker seminars throughout the state, representing the General Baptist Convention of New Jersey. In October of 2001 Rev. Ford was licensed to the gospel ministry and was later ordained in January of 2009.

Rev. Ford is married to Mrs. Yolande Chatman Ford. They are the parents of one daughter, Alexandria Grace Ford. In everything that Rev. Ford does, he realizes that it is Not by might, nor by power, but by MY spirit, saith the Lord of hosts (Zechariah 4:6).